The VSP potentiostat is a compact, multi-channel potentiostat. With up to 5 (EIS) channels, the VSP can run multiple electrochemical tests at once. It can also be equipped with additional external current boosters (up to 800 A) and an internal 4A booster, which takes 2 slots in the chassis.
♦ EIS capabilities
♦ Powered by EC-lab software
♦ High- and low current options
♦ General Electrochemistry
♦ Corrosion
♦ Electrocatalysis
Since 1983, BioLogic offers research laboratory instruments for electrochemistry, battery testing, fuel cell and material testing. Its extensive product range is based on a modular and flexible design to address a wide variety of electrochemical applications.
♦ A unique and complete product range
♦ Modular systems
♦ Controlled by a powerful suite of software