Surface Measurements

Surface measurements equipment is used to analyze roughness, form and morphology ranging from nanoscale to macroscale depending on the metrology techniques. These products help to accelerate the development of new materials or to improve the performance of existing material systems.

Electron Microscopy

Scanning Electron Microscope Regulus

Hitachi High-Tech

♦   Key player in the market of Electron Microscopes

♦   Creative, leading-edge technology

Optical Profiling

Optical Profilometer S neox


♦   High-accuracy optical 3D microscopes based on confocal and interferometry techniques

♦   Standard setups for R&D and quality inspection to complete non-contact metrology solutions for inline production processes

Atomic Force Microscopy

Vista 75

Molecular Vista

♦   High-accuracy atomic force microscopes using IR techniques on nanoscale for molecular identification

♦   Highest-level innovative instruments now up to 300mm sample size accommodation